Horrible Article from Christianity Today

If you want to see what the true attitudes of the Mandatory Marriage Movement are, just click on this link. This article perhaps displays the selfishness of the Mandatory Marriage Movement most clearly, and demonstrates its absolute inability to engage in any meaningful exegesis. Throughout the entire article, I could not help but wonder if the author was a Christian or a pagan. It is so entirely hedonistic that, to my very little suprise the author, Dr. Mark Regnerus, was not an exegete or a theologian. He is a professor of sociology.

I found the following section of this article most strikingly unchristian:

And I am suggesting that when people wait until their mid-to-late 20s to marry, it is unreasonable to expect them to refrain from sex. It’s battling our Creator’s reproductive designs. The data don’t lie. Our sexual behavior patterns—the kind I documented in 2007 in Forbidden Fruit—give us away. Very few wait long for sex.

I mean, what can you say to that! Here you have a man saying that God designed us to marry young. Now, there is absolutely no Biblical case for that at all. He has to go to “the data,” ignoring the fact that data needs to be interpreted, and neglects to interpret it in the light of scripture. However, notice the real reason for this coming out clear as day. It is all about us. It is all about our desires to have sexual relations. That is why I have to ask whether this is being written by a pagan secularist rather than by a Christian! What is the mantra of those who teach condom based education? “They are going to have sex anyways, we might as well give them condoms for when they do it.” Now, just replace “condoms” with “marriage,” and you have Dr. Regnerus’ position.

I have to ask where has self-control gone in Christian culture? Do we even care about temperance, moderation, self control, continence, chastity or anything else like that any more? This author is willing to abuse the text of scripture in order to get what he wants, and is encouraging others to do the same. How selfish have we become that our own desires become more important than accurately interpreting the text of scripture! Now, I am not saying that it is wrong for someone to pursue marriage. However, it is wrong to shame single men [as he suggests] just so that we can selfishly fulfill our desires.

Now, he tries to wiggle his way out of it by saying that he says that this is not the only reason for which he thinks people should marry. I simply say that it shouldn’t be any reason at all! Saying that you will not be obedient to God in being continent and self controlled unless God gives you a wife is sin, pure and simple.

This stuff is a perfect reminder of the materialistic nature of our society that is now even affecting evangelicalism. I mean, think of how much this stuff reminds you of the word-faith movement. They say that God wants you to be wealthy, and the reason you are poor is because you don’t have enough faith. Dr. Regnerus is saying that God wants you to be married, and the reason you are not married, and having sexual relations is because of your sin. If you just “Got Serious about Getting Married,” God would give you what you want.

Most of the folks in the Mandatory Marriage Movement are not this open about what they really think. I thank Dr. Regnerus for being so open about the selfishness inherent in this line of thinking.

15 Responses to “Horrible Article from Christianity Today”

  1. Anakin Niceguy Says:

    Ah yes, I saw that article too when it crossed my desk at work. The woman who gave it to me noticed my dismayed reaction on looking at the stupid picture of the couple on the bicycle on the front of the magazine and the headline. I told her that I “saw red” when I looked at it.

    I haven’t had time to look at Regenerus’ piece closely, but yes, I agree with you. It seems like CT (at least momentarily) has sipped the unbiblical Kool-Aid of the Marriage Mandators.

  2. Anakin Niceguy Says:

    BTW, PC,

    You might this of personal interest.

  3. Anakin Niceguy Says:

    Hmm, my link seems broken, I’ll try that again …

    Click here for the article.

    Or try this …


  4. Kevin Says:

    This is crazy. What about the whole “God’s commandments are not burdensome” thing?

  5. ladyelaine80 Says:

    agreed….and as a single Christian woman, I’m heated as well…..
    I could create a beautiful garden with this crap….

  6. Joe Says:

    I read the article and it seemed to clearly say that it’s better to marry young than to fall into premarital sex. What’s so wrong with that? That seems more Christian than what we currently promote in our culture (including churches), which is to wait until you have a good job (money), stability (money), and maturity (whatever that means). Waiting for the things that are really important while engaging in things that aren’t just prolongs and promotes childish behavior.

  7. Dan Says:

    Did you see the new article on ChristianityToday.com – Every Older Single’s Battle? The two WOMEN authors do NOT subscribe to the “blame-men-first” mentality.

  8. Dan Says:

    Not sure why my comment was removed. I was just asking an honest question about a new article in CT, and I didn’t think I put anything offensive in my comment.

  9. otrmin Says:


    The issue is not encouraging to people to think about marriage in the context of also encouraging education, financial stability, etc. It is the issue of saying that it is unreasonable to expect people to live in a God honoring fashion. That is pure paganism. Even Dr. Mohler backed off on that one. I think that all of those things need to be taken into account. We need to have some balance in this issue, and we can achieve that by allow the text of scripture to help us understand culture, and not vise versa.


    No, your comment was not removed. I have just been really busy lately. School is about to start, and this is my last year at Trinity. I am going to have applications to the University of Wisconsin and the University of Chicago, studying for the GRE, studying for my comprehensive exams at Trinity, doing my internship, possibly studying Ugaritic, and writing my thesis. It is all really stressful right now. I am sorry I didn’t get your comment approved sooner.

    God Bless,

  10. Dan Says:

    oops. Sorry Adam, I didn’t know how the “comment moderation” worked. Thanks!

  11. Savvy Says:

    I’m going to respond from personal experience on my blog. I think I do that best. 🙂

  12. Anakin Niceguy Says:


    I am encouraging you with all gravity to consider writing something – a book, or some journal articles to address the various errors of the Marriage Mandate Movement. Blogging is good but it might even better to try to take the battle to the next phase.

  13. Dani Says:

    “I have to ask where has self-control gone in Christian culture? Do we even care about temperance, moderation, self control, continence, chastity or anything else like that any more? This author is willing to abuse the text of scripture in order to get what he wants, and is encouraging others to do the same. How selfish have we become that our own desires become more important than accurately interpreting the text of scripture! Now, I am not saying that it is wrong for someone to pursue marriage. However, it is wrong to shame single men [as he suggests] just so that we can selfishly fulfill our desires.”

    Amen! When did marriage become all about us and not about God’s bigger purposes for this world?

    I’m a first time reader and commentor on your blog but am very thankful for your careful exegesis of Scripture and thorough commentary on this matter. Whilst we Australian evangelicals have not had too much direct exposure to the Marriage Mandate movement, I am becoming increasingly concerned at our lack of theological and biblical discernment when it comes to the matters of marriage, singleness and sexuality.

    Thanks for your insightful comments.

  14. Thomas Says:

    What would you say to this? http://theveritasnetwork.org/2011/11/03/why-young-christians-aren%E2%80%99t-waiting-anymore-my-response-again/

  15. otrmin Says:


    I addressed those issues here:

    Why Getting Married Early Will Not Stop Sexual Sin

    God Bless,

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